
Consultation Responses

HITRANS regularly respond to consultations on transport issues that affect the Highlands and Islands.  Our recent responses are listed below:-


Find below a list of all the documents available for viewing or download in the [Consultation Responses] category. Documents in other categories may be found by selecting the desired category from the [Document Category] menu below.

The list may be sorted by [Document Name], [Category], [Date] or [File Type] by clicking the [Sort] legend above the appropriate column. The sort order may be reversed by clicking the [Sort] legend again.

Currently showing documents 1 to 10 of 24.
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HITRANS Response to STPR2 Case for Change Transport Options and Phase 1 Recommendations. Corporate - Consultation Responses 24/03/2021
OIITS OBC North Ronaldsay Public Engagement Exhibition Boards Corporate - Consultation Responses 25/06/2019
OIITS OBC Papa Westray Public Engagement Exhibition Boards Corporate - Consultation Responses 25/06/2019
OIITS OBC Stronsay Public Engagement Exhibition Boards Corporate - Consultation Responses 25/06/2019
Williams Rail Review HITRANS Response Corporate - Consultation Responses 12/06/2019
HITRANS Consultation Response on Concessionary Travel Corporate - Consultation Responses 20/12/2017 docx
HITRANS Local Bus Services Consultation Response Corporate - Consultation Responses 20/12/2017 docx
HITRANS Smart Ticketing Consultation Response Corporate - Consultation Responses 20/12/2017
DfT Aviation Strategy Consultation - Initial Response Document Corporate - Consultation Responses 27/10/2017
HITRANS response to National Transport Strategy Call for Evidence Corporate - Consultation Responses 01/08/2017
Currently showing documents 1 to 10 of 24.
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