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12/22/2011 - 2010/2011 Annual Report Published

HITRANS today (Thursday 22nd December 2011) published our Annual Report for 2010/2011.

The Annual Report includes information on a range of activities we have been involved in during the year. Section covered in the report include Research and Strategy Development; Rail Development; Bus Development; Travel Planning; and European Funding.

For the second year the Annual Report has been used to highlight the progress being made by HITRANS and other transport stakeholders in taking forward the Regional Transport Strategy. This is demonstrated by a section detailing performance indicators that show the progress being made in improving transport services and networks in the Highlands and Islands.

For the first time, as required by the Public Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 we have published our Statement of Efficience in the Annual Report. This details a number of measures we have taken to improve efficiency in how we deliver services.

HITRANS Chairman Cllr Duncan MacIntyre welcomed the publication of the Annual Report,

“ 2010/2011 has been a very successful year for HITRANS. We have supported the delivery of the Regional Transport Strategy by working with our constituent local authorities, Scottish Government, Transport Scotland, transport operators and other stakeholders.

We have had been very busy on a number of European funded projects. We were also pleased to receive recognition for our work on improving bus services in the area at the Scottish Transport Awards in 2010.

We hope the Annual Report provides a useful update on the work of HITRANS.”

The Annual Report is available on the internet at -


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