
Meetings and Stakeholder Engagement

HITRANS has regular quarterly Partnership Board meetings which are held around the region. Partnership Advisor meetings are held in advance of the Partnership Board meetings. Our Board meetings are open for the public to attend and dates and venues are advertised in advance of these meetings.

In addition we engage with external bodies and interest groups through a series of Regional Stakeholder Fora.

Stakeholder Engagement includes the following modal groups:

Transport Coordinators Group

The HITRANS Transport Coordinating Officers Group (HITCOG) is formed of officers from HITRANS and local authority transport officers and aims to deal with technical issues and share good practice in relation to the management and delivery of passenger transport coordination across the Highlands and Islands. The group meets two or three times each year.

Active Travel Advisory Group

The Active Travel Advisory Group (ATAG) meets twice per year. The Group is attended by local authority transport officers, Sustrans, Cycling Scotland, cycle campaigners, access officers, and representatives from the health sector and transport operators.

Ferry Consultation Arrangements

The Scottish Government tasked the Regional Transport Partnerships to put in place arrangements to provide consultative mechanisms between the operator, users and public agencies for the ferry network serving the Clyde, Hebrides, and Northern Isles.

There are four ferry stakeholder groups. These are:

• Clyde, Kintyre and Islands
• Argyll, Skye, Raasay and Lochaber
• Hebrides
• Orkney Transport and Travel Forum


 Aviation Consultation Group

Our strategy for aviation is to enhance connectivity within the region and to our national gateways; to increase links with countries outside the UK; to retain the London services particularly through Heathrow and Gatwick; and to manage the environmental impact of aviation on the region without adversely affecting economic growth and sustainability of our communities.

To help us take forward these strategic aspirations HITRANS has established the Aviation Consultation Group with membership drawn from representatives of our key aviation stakeholders. The Group is chaired by HITRANS Board Member Wilson Metcalfe who brings a wealth of practical real world experience to the Group.

Rail Stakeholder Engagement

HITRANS runs three tiers of Rail Forums.

The Rail Advisory Group (RAG) is the working group consisting of representatives from HITRANS, Network Rail, First ScotRail, Passenger Focus, Transport Scotland and local authority transport officers. This body meets 2 times per year and directly informs HITRANS policy and workstreams.

The Rail Stakeholder Group (RSG) acts as the umbrella group for wider industry, public sector, voluntary and heritage interests and features formal presentations from leading industry figures in a conference style format.

The Rail Users Group (RUG) covers the voluntary rail user groups for the rural North Highland and West Highland Lines. Chaired by Robert Samson of Passenger Focus, this forum enables the views of the members of the groups to engage with HITRANS in twice yearly meetings. Their views are then taken by Passenger Focus to the Rail Advisory Group.