
Rail Stakeholder Engagement

HITRANS runs three tiers of Rail Forums.

The Rail Advisory Group (RAG) is the working group consisting of representatives from HITRANS, Network Rail, First ScotRail, Passenger Focus, Transport Scotland and local authority transport officers. This body meets 3-4 times per year and directly informs HITRANS policy and workstreams.

The Rail Users Group (RUG) covers the voluntary rail user groups for the rural North Highland and West Highland Lines. Chaired by Robert Samson of Passenger Focus, this forum enables the views of the members of the groups to engage with HITRANS in twice yearly meetings. Their views are then taken by Passenger Focus to the Rail Advisory Group.


 The Rail Stakeholder Group (RSG) acts as the umbrella group for wider industry, public sector, voluntary and heritage interests and features formal presentations from leading industry figures in a conference style format.






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Caledonian Sleeper Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Community Rail Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Cycling and Railways Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Highland Mainline Journey Time Improvements Phase 2 Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Inverness Station Upgrade Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Midnight Train to Georgemas Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Skyefall Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
Train2Ride Presentation Meetings - Rail_Stakeholder_Engagement - 2018 - January 29/01/2018
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