7/28/2015 - Good progress reported on airport railway station plans
HITRANS, the regional transport partnership for the Highlands and Islands, aims to submit a detailed planning application for a new railway station near Inverness Airport, Dalcross, by end of the year.
Officials have kicked off the process by seeking the views of statutory consultees, such as SEPA, on the proposed development of a new access road and provision of a 150-space car park with associated drop off area as well as a new platform for the proposed railway station.
Before a detailed application is submitted, HITRANS needs to complete a Business Case and a Transport Assessment and piece together a funding package for the eagerly-awaited project.
It also needs to consult locally before finalising the application. This includes talks with Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd and discussions with the local community.
Frank Roach, Partnership Manager with HITRANS, said: “We are making good progress with the plans for the new railway station at Dalcross, which will serve the airport, the neighbouring development park and proposed new housing developments to the east of Inverness.
“We are currently seeking the views of statutory consultees and their views will influence the detail of our planning application, which we aim to submit by the end of the year.
“Clearly, a key factor will be finding the money from Highland and Islands sources to match the 50% of funding we will be seeking from the Scottish Government, via the Scottish Stations Fund. We have lots of work still to do but we are making very good progress.”